As the marriage was taking place under the regime of community of property, the papers had been simple. 婚姻采取的是夫妻共有财产制,所以婚书很简单。
Community of property regime during marriage 婚姻期间夫妻共有财产制度
Moral Right in a Sad Plight-A Comparative Study of Copyright Legislation in Civil Law and Common Law; It is a long-term hassle to the community of intellectual property rights. 精神权利的困境&两大法系版权立法比较分析这是长期困扰版权法界的一个问题。
This kind of community experience has informed the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO) towards international solutions. 这种社区经验为世界知识产权组织制定国际解决方案提供了信息。
But in China the most intelligent community of property management also remain in the traditional property management mode. 但是,目前我国多数智能小区的物业管理还停留在传统的物业管理模式上。
Only last year the whole community was rightly bewailing the high price of property, both residential and commercial. 只不过是去年,全港市民才为住宅及商业楼宇价格高企而怨声载道。
Labor of socialism community is owners of themselves 'labor property. 社会主义劳动者是自身劳动力的所有者。
Joint stock enterprises are state owned but different from the community enterprises of villages and towns based on collective property after reform and opening. 但它又明显区别于改革开放后以集体财产为基础组建的乡镇社区企业。
Firstly, the R D background of Digital Community System is introduced, and the architecture of J2EE the property of web services are summarized in the thesis. 本文首先介绍了数字社区系统的研发背景,概述了J2EE体系结构和Web服务的特性。
The results showed that soil chemical properties and fertility varied greatly in different plant community succession stages. Owing to the difference of soil chemical property, the mosaic distribution of plant communities composed the compound style of vegetation. 结果表明:不同演替群落阶段,其土壤的化学性质和肥力存在一定差异,由于土壤化学性质不同,使群落镶嵌分布,组成植被的复合体。
He deemed that the community of primitive commune has been disintegrated by private property and private ownership mentality, which leaded to Political State and law set up. 认为私有财产和私有观念瓦解了古代公社共同体并最终导致了政治国家和法律的产生。
The community fitness club of this text research presses property to is divided into: The association type, people does the non-business enterprise type and a three of business enterprises. 本文研究的社区体育俱乐部按性质分为:社团型、民办非企业型和企业型三种类型。
Taking into account above question and Basing on theory of city community property management, the author bring forward the theory of property management for domestic household biogas. 针对目前我国户用沼气建设后续管理中存在的问题,以及基层管理组织的现状,笔者大胆借鉴城市小区物业化管理的经验,引入户用沼气物业化管理的概念。
Special community property is a kind of property opposite to general community property and is specified in family laws in many countries. 非常的夫妻财产制是相对于普通的夫妻财产制而言的一种在特殊的情况下适用的财产制度,在世界许多国家的婚姻家庭法中都有规定。
Property management in apartment community is currently a major type of property management in our country. Quality of the management and services are not only directly related to the quality of residents 'living and working, but also vital to the survival of property management companies themselves. 住宅小区的物业管理是目前我国物业管理的主要形式,其管理服务的质量不仅直接关系到居民的生活、工作质量,同时对物业公司自身的生存也起着决定作用。
It is not only helpful in safeguarding the party's interests, but also important in maintaining the stability of the urban community to settle the disputes of the property reasonably and effectively. 合理有效的解决物业纠纷,不但有利于维护当事人的利益,而且对城市社区的稳定也具有重大意义。
In normal case, community of property is sufficient to adjust marital property relationship. However, community of property is difficult to protect the private property of husband and wife under special conditions for its inherent defects. 通常情况下,夫妻共同财产制足以调整夫妻财产关系,但因夫妻共同财产制的固有缺陷,在婚姻关系存续期间出现特殊情形时,夫妻共同财产制则难以保障夫妻个人财产权。
However, in these protective housing community, once completed, a general shortage of property management problems. 但是,在这些保障性住房社区建成之后,普遍出现了物业管理的难题。
The community joint-stock system is the reform and innovation of the collective property right system in China, and it has the characteristics of joint-stock system and cooperation system. 社区型股份合作制是我国集体产权制度改革与创新的一大成果,兼具股份制和合作制的特点。
According to the committee on legal community property and independence of the property, the long term of office space for the committee is the possibility. 接着根据业主委员会合法的团体属性和相对独立的财产、长期存在的办公场所等方面肯定了业委会主体资格的可能性。
It also analyzed the affect of property right to the community co-management and the aftereffect of the shortcoming on property right, explaining that in order to consummate the task of forestry resource management, we must resolve the obstacle of the property right to community co-management. 然后分析产权对于社区共管的影响以及产权缺陷带来的后果,说明必须解决目前产权对于社区共管的束缚,才能完善森林资源管理工作,最后提出解决方案。
It analyzes development situation of intellectualized residence community in our country and requirements of informationization development of property management of residence community and studies the system structure. 2. 了解我国智能化住宅小区的发展现状和住宅小区的物业管理的信息化建设需求;研究住宅小区的物业管理信息系统架构。
The foundation of mechanism is property rights system, but current property rights system in China is blocking community co-management development. Reasonable distribution of property rights without changing ownership character is the key to improve community co-management. 机制是建立在产权制度基础上的,中国目前的产权制度阻碍了社区共管的发展,在不改变所有制性质前提下的合理分权是社区共管改进的关键。
Earthquake is one of the natural disasters against humanity community, which often cause huge loss of lives and property. 地震是危害人类社会的一大自然灾害,常会造成巨大的生命财产损失。
There is no denying that mortgage real estate after marriage belongs to the jointly owned property, so the theory and practice of community of property ownership, and the division principles will not be discussed. 因婚后按揭房产属于夫妻共同财产,理论界和实务界对其财产权属及分割原则均无争议,故本文不做讨论。
The Closing Remarks emphasize the necessity of improving the Matrimonial community debt system in the scope of the Matrimonial Property system as well as others to be focused on. The shortcomings of the writing are also pointed out. 结语强调在夫妻财产制调整范围内完善夫妻共同债务法律制度的必要性以及应当加以注意的方面,并指出本文写作的不足之处。
The protection of intellectual property of the intangible cultural heritage is not popular and perfect in international community. The protection of intellectual property of the intangible cultural heritage in our country is very difficulty. Its legislation is almost blank. 国际上,非物质文化遗产的知识产权保护尚不普及和完善,我国非物质文化遗产的知识产权保护也举步维艰,立法上几乎是一片空白。
It is necessary to achieving residential quarters 'autonomy because the omission of the Community Residents' Committee and the powerless of the Property Management Company. 现目前社区居委会的不作为和物业的无法作为使得小区业主自治十分有必要。
Introducing the knowledge of the Sausure, the language analysis of the family arouses the diachronic and synchronic study of the family that is the community of the property and the family members. 借用索绪尔的语言学知识,对家庭的语言分析引发了对家庭的一种共时和历时的探究,即家庭为财产和家庭成员的共同体。
It gives some concerns about the character, systematic structure and functions of information intelligent community management, and designs an idea of community property management information systematic framework effectuation, which is based on Web, thus gaining the property management informationization. 研究了信息智能化社区管理的特点、系统结构和功能,设计了一个基于Web的社区物业管理信息系统框架实现思想,从而实现物业管理的信息化。